PDF Gare à Lou ! French Edition edition by Jean TEULÉ Literature Fiction eBooks
Avec Gare à Lou !, Jean Teulé revient à la veine fantastique qui avait fait le succès du Magasin des suicides et laisse libre cours à un imaginaire plus débridé que jamais.
Comme le disaient Mozart et Shakespeare " Il est très agréable de jouir d'un don exceptionnel, mais il ne faut pas oublier que c'est une source inépuisable d'embêtements. " À 12 ans, Lou partage absolument cette opinion. Au prétexte qu'elle est en mesure de faire tomber immédiatement les pires calamités sur la tête de tous ceux qui la contrarient, on l'enferme dans un endroit secret en compagnie de militaires haut gradés pour qu'elle devienne une arme absolue capable de mettre en échec les plans malveillants des ennemis du pays ou, pire, d'ourdir de méchantes et sournoises manœuvres afin de causer des torts effroyables à d'autres nations. De telles occupations n'offrent pas à une adolescente les satisfactions que la vie aurait pu lui promettre. D'autant que son super pouvoir, aussi extraordinaire soit-il, ne fonctionne pas toujours comme prévu. Rien ne pouvait mieux inspirer Jean Teulé que d'imaginer les horreurs qu'un être humain bien disposé peut infliger à ses contemporains.
PDF Gare à Lou ! French Edition edition by Jean TEULÉ Literature Fiction eBooks
"It was an amusing book, but not one of those "future" stories, like "Brave New World" one would not mind living inside, or one, like 1984, that one sees as possible and frightening.
The nice girl , with a moral sense, whose curses fall upon the cursed, and who is treated by the government as a "secret Arm", is kidnapped by said government, and given three military "protectors" to care for her, is a bit too much. As is the mother, accepting all quite happily, while being promoted as an official artistic potter, the sky scrapper towers , with more than 200 floors, and with the highier floors destined to the poor... All of this is not credible enough.
And the three military officers in charge of the girl, and their fate by the end of the book, especially the fate of the air military officer, always correct, and always taking the side of "Dear Arm" , as he calls the girl, is a bit too much. At least for me.
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Tags : Gare à Lou ! (French Edition) - edition by Jean TEULÉ. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Gare à Lou ! (French Edition).,ebook,Jean TEULÉ,Gare à Lou ! (French Edition),Julliard,FICTION,FICTION / Literary,Francophone,Literary,Littérature française,Romans francophones
Gare à Lou ! French Edition edition by Jean TEULÉ Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Gare à Lou ! French Edition edition by Jean TEULÉ Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- It was an amusing book, but not one of those "future" stories, like "Brave New World" one would not mind living inside, or one, like 1984, that one sees as possible and frightening.
The nice girl , with a moral sense, whose curses fall upon the cursed, and who is treated by the government as a "secret Arm", is kidnapped by said government, and given three military "protectors" to care for her, is a bit too much. As is the mother, accepting all quite happily, while being promoted as an official artistic potter, the sky scrapper towers , with more than 200 floors, and with the highier floors destined to the poor... All of this is not credible enough.
And the three military officers in charge of the girl, and their fate by the end of the book, especially the fate of the air military officer, always correct, and always taking the side of "Dear Arm" , as he calls the girl, is a bit too much. At least for me.