Download El Libro Magico De Pombo Rafael Pombo 9789584229922 Books

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El Libro Magico De Pombo Rafael Pombo 9789584229922 Books Reviews
- Rafael Pombo's poems are totally new to me (this'll be a great way to brush up on my spanish!), but it was Leo Espinosa's illustrations that instantly grabbed me. His art is so captivating that I ordered this book the very same day I discovered his art! I was not disappointed in my impulsive blind purchase. The accompanying CD is a delight, as well.
- Nothing like a Pombo book for your little bilingual one. The illustrations are great and there's a CD attached with all the poems sang!
Este libro es lo maximo! Especialemente para quienes estamos criando hijos lejos de casa. - Loooved. Loooooved. Loooooved. Brings memories from my childhood back. Reading to my 6 month old son. ♥ï¸
- This was a gift for kids that are learning to speak Spanish. I loved the graphics and the contents, it is a good way of showing them the Colombian culture.
- I love Rafael Pombo's poems and stories, I am delighted to have them.